
Charlotte Attlee
Landscape designer, plantswoman & creative thinker, Charlotte has spent a lifetime building and planting gardens that harmonise with the natural world.
From expansive sea-view gardens to tiny courtyards, Charlotte brings over 30 years of experience to each project, combining her extensive understanding of planting principles, a geographer’s sensitivity to landscape, and an engineering mind.
As a Pre-Registered Member of the Society of Garden Designers, with a Masters Degree in Landscape Design, and the RHS Diploma in Horticulture, Charlotte works sympathetically with clients in order to establish a shared vision for each garden. Undertaking and overseeing the work personally, often working alongside the same team of intelligent and experienced contractors, many of whom she has worked with for over fifteen years.


​To me, the absolute joy and fascination of garden design is seeing the whole process of growth. ​​​
It's about witnessing the small changes that are happening all the time. Plants have their own ideas, and that's what makes a garden exciting.​​​

​The sound of a trickling stream; the buzz of bees and the song of birds; the scent of damp earth and honeysuckle; the taste of freshly-picked peas, coaxed from their pods... these are what make a garden worth lingering in. It's about total sensory engagement.

The question: 'How does this place make me feel?' is fundamental to all good design.”

Working with nature means avoiding single-use plastics and unrenewable peat, reducing unnecessary transport and avoiding importing pests and diseases along with the foreign plants they travel with. Plants are chosen for their adaptability to a range of conditions - our climate is becoming more and more unpredictable, and qualities of both drought resistance and an ability to withstand cold and damp are all important. There is absolutely no place here for pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or artificial fertilisers.